Who needs to be able to draw when there are fabulous stamps available to give your journals that professional finish. Whether it’s for making backgrounds or creating focal points there are sure to be the perfect ones for you. We will be using a myriad of techniques including, shadow stamping, masking, transferring the ink. Border stamps, background stamps and incorporating main images are all covered. A complete 101.
***Students are ONLY required to bring a full paper towel roll and a full pack of baby wipes. These are necessary for the class and not provided—EVERYTHING else is provided.
Please note guest instructor refund policy:
Purchased spots for all of Dyan Reaveley’s workshops are transferable but payment is non-refundable. What this means: If you buy a class spot and are unable to attend, and if there is a waiting list of students that has formed, we will call students on the waitlist to try and fill your spot. If successful we will issue you an in store credit for your registration fee. If you are unable to attend and there is no waiting list, we will unfortunately be unable to provide refunds.
Bookings are closed for this event.