Oh its a spellbinders JACKPOT! Are you diecut crazy? Well this is the class for you! We have limited seats for an outstanding class from Spellbinders using a LOADED kit full of goodies! A full set of floral dies including leaves and a flourish, a full set of stamps and a full package of really neat gold and silver accented paper. BUT wait there’s more! Stickers and gold embellishments, gold and silver foil cardstock, and more more more! In class we will create 5 all occasion cards from this amazing kit and leave you with tons left over, you will definitely leave inspired and wanting to make more! Pack up your diecut machine and book yourself a spot to play! This kit has a retail value of $90. **WE ONLY HAVE 48 SPOTS–we are unable to get anymore as this was a ONE TIME opportunity!!
*All Students are required to bring their own diecut machine to participate. $50 – Designed by Jo
Bookings are closed for this event.