Seth Apter will be summoning all his creative powers to bring you this exclusively magical workshop for Crafters Home. Be under no illusion, this spellbinding class will leave you shouting
‘Ta-Da’, ‘Abracadabra’ and any other magical phrases we can squeeze into this 2-hour show! Using mind-bending formulas from Aladine Izink provided in your kit, along with supplies that
you will be conjuring up, Seth will take you on a journey of immersive textures and enchanting colors that will thrill and excite mixed media makers and creative card crafters alike.
Combining powerful new color-crazy concepts and innovative techniques, Seth will reveal some of the biggest secrets of crafting magic so that you, The Apprentice, can harness these powers,
be inspired and go forth to create your own magical masterpieces. You will leave this class with 2 finished projects, a host of new techniques, and some all-new potions that you can add to
your own portfolio of creative sorcery. $70.00
** This class will be a virtual class held online Saturday, May 8 at 10am 🙂 You can craft along and create your cards live or later at your convenience as the class will be taped and available to view whenever!**
Student Supply List:
-Palette knife
-Paint brushes (1 inch or ½ inch work well)
-Water container
-Paint palette or craft mat
-Permanent Ink Pads (Assorted colors, StazOn or Archival)
-Craft sponges
-Stencils (an assortment of your favorite)
-Stamps (unmounted, background designs)
-Favorite mark making tools (I will be using Stabilo All Pencil and Uniball journaling
-Heat Tool
-Baby wipes and/or paper towel/cloth
This event is fully booked.